IJCLab is the most important task force in CNRS on accelerator physics and is one of the world’s leading laboratories in this field. IJCLab strives to conduct ambitious research in accelerator physics on new concepts of acceleration and technological innovations, but also to play a major role in the design and construction of future accelerators by contributing strongly to international facilities.
To serve this ambition, accelerator physics at IJCLab relies on three major assets: a dedicated scientific and technical pole, several technological and research platforms serving or based on accelerators, and an engineering pole that can provide all the necessary resources for the deployment of accelerator projects and programs. ARCO x IJCLab also benefits from the support services of IJCLab, in particular the Project Management Unit (CeMaP) and the Innovation Transfer and International Relations Service (STIRI).
ARCO (and more broadly IJCLab) also benefits from a particularly favorable eco-system. It is at the heart of the University of Paris-Saclay ecosystem (proximity to CEA/IRFU, Master and Doctorate level training at the University of Paris-Saclay). It is part of a French industrial fabric (SMEs and large groups) often very relevant in terms of accelerator and with which IJCLab has established (for some partners) strong collaborative relationships on upstream R&D. Finally, IJCLab projects are the subject of numerous international collaborations (international agreements with foreign laboratories, Memoranda of Understanding).
ARCO x IJCLab animates from a scientific and technological point of view accelerator activities transverse to the different structures of the laboratory, and it constitutes an entry point for these activities with the collaborators and external partners of IJCLab.