
ARCO (Accelerator Research Center in Orsay) is a research group bringing together all the projects and activities around accelerator physics and its applications within the Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie IJCLab. ARCO aims to embody the whole accelerator potential of the laboratory. From a scientific and technological point of view, it animates accelerator activities that are transversal to the different structures of the laboratory, and it constitutes an entry point for these activities with the collaborators and external partners of IJCLab.

Identity card

  • 48 researchers/ITs publishing in accelerator physics research
  • 15 PhD students in accelerator physics
  • 2 services specific to accelerator physics: RF service (20 collaborators) and cryogenics service (9 collaborators)
  • 2 technological platforms: Supratech + Vacuum and Surfaces
  • 4 research platforms related to accelerators: ALTO, JANNuS-SCALP, Laserix, ANDROMEDE

Current Projects

  • ESS
  • PERLE@Orsay
  • GANIL (Spiral-2, S3, DESIR)

not forgetting numerous R&D activities in accelerator physics.